Sunday, September 21, 2008

Essay #2 Journal 4

Today when i entered the Hip Hop music Usenet group I've been observing for the past few days i noticed a few new things like post and increased membership. When looking at the post i realized that the amount of people who make post on the weekends is a lot less then those made during the week. I assumed this might have something to do with people being out during the weekend versus being at work during the week. When looking at the number of people subscribed to the group i noticed a slight increase. Besides these two things expressed above nothing else really changed besides the post. One post in particular that caught my attention today was a post entitled "it's been a long time!" made by someone who has just returned to the group after some time away. This was quite interesting because the person who initiated the discussion seemed like someone whom was very involved in the group because a number of people responded to his post with welcome backs and other salutations. Who knows whats going to happen tomorrow when i observe, the post are extremely random and unexpected.

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